Course curriculum

    1. What will we learn in this chapter?

    2. EXERCISE: Print in Python

    3. Navigation error - please take note

    4. Drawing Shapes with Python

    5. TASK: code your message

    6. QUIZ: intro to python

    1. What will you learn in this chapter?

    2. Exercise: Variables

    3. Data types

    4. Exercise: Lists in Python

    5. TASK: save Jozi Cats

    6. QUIZ: data types and variables

    1. What will you learn in this chapter?

    2. Arithmetic Operators

    3. Comparison and Logical Operators

    4. QUIZ: Operators

    1. What will you learn in this chapter

    2. Exercise: For Loops

    3. Exercise: While Loops

    4. QUIZ: Loops

    1. What will you learn in this chapter?

    2. EXERCISE: If statements

    3. If statements explained

    4. EXERCISE: Else statements

    5. Elif and Else statements explained

    6. EXERCISE: putting it all together

    7. QUIZ: Conditions

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 32 lessons

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