Course curriculum

    1. What will you learn in this chapter?

    2. Navigation error - please take note

    3. Creating, Styling and Formatting Texts

    4. EXERCISE: Styling and Formatting your Brochure

    1. What will you learn in this course?

    2. Using Images with Word

    3. 2D Shapes

    4. 3D Shapes

    5. TASK: Adding pictures and text boxes

    6. QUIZ: Adding images

    1. What will you learn in this chapter?

    2. Using Tables in Word & Google Docs

    3. TASK: Tables and Lists

    4. Introduction to watermarks, headers & footers

    5. Document Inspection, Accessibility and Compatibility

    6. QUIZ: Tables | Watermarks | Headers/Footers | Doc modification

    1. What will you learn in this chapter?

    2. Articles and navigation in Word

    3. EXERCISE: Create your article

    4. Charts, Citations and Footnotes in Word

    5. TASK: Insert Charts and Design

    6. QUIZ: Writing a News Article

    1. What will you learn in this chapter?

    2. Page layout and columns in Word

    3. Table of Contents and document review

    4. TASK: Finalise your Trifold Brochure

    5. QUIZ: Trifold Brochure

About this course

  • $10.00
  • 33 lessons

Discover your potential, starting today